Saturday, January 23, 2016

Things I Look For in a Guy Pt. 2

A few months ago I wrote about what qualities I look for in a future husband. In this post, I wanted to mention some more specific qualities I look for.
The first thing I look for is whether or not I think they will take me to look at the stars. In fact this was my dream date for the longest time. I actually have gone stargazing for a date, and it is my favorite thing to do. I love it so much and want to date a guy who will enjoy looking at the stars as much as I do.
The second thing I look for is that they will watch scary movies with me. I've grown to love watching scary movies lately, but I am such a wimp when it comes to them! I get super paranoid after, so I will not watch them alone.  This next thing kind of goes along with this too.
The third thing I look for is that they will stay with me until I fall asleep. I’m not saying they have to do this all the time, but every once in awhile is nice. As I said earlier, I get super paranoid and am unable to fall asleep. At these times it really helps to have someone stay with me for a little bit. Not only is it hard to go to sleep after watching scary movies, it is hard for me to go to sleep in general sometimes. If someone is with me while I fall asleep I tend to stay asleep longer.
The last thing I look for is that the person I date understands and accepts my love for gifs! This is probably one of the biggest things, because I love gifs and will send them to anybody that will accept them. At the moment I only have three friends that really understand my love for them, and will send them back. One other friend understands this obsession, but in no way supports it! I do have one friend that will send me gifs when I’m having a bad day, and sometimes (most of the time) it helps. We’ve even been known to have whole conversations just using gifs. I want to find someone who will send gifs back to me, especially on bad days.
What do you all look for or what did you look for when dating?


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